My son had a great experience. The class was well organized and led very professionally by the teacher. My son gained a lot out of it
Simplify your search for classes. Educate your children on your own terms,
Deenward is an all-in-one education marketplace that enables Muslim parents to play an active part in their children’s Islamic education and raise well-rounded Muslims.
Stay in control of what and how your children learn
Feeling anxious, worried, or guilty about raising your children in a western education system and society? Join hundreds of other Muslim families who are all striving to give their children the highest standards of Islamic education.
Give your children the Islamic Tarbiyah they deserve
A full spectrum of subjects to empower Muslims to pursue their career dreams whilst upholding their Islamic identities.
You can finally put those Whatsapp groups behind you
Deenward makes it easy for you to search and filter programs until you find exactly what your child needs.
High-quality learning experiences with qualified educators
Deenward’s educators are better to ensure high standards of education with a safe online learning experience for your children.
Choose a subject that fits your childrens interests
Vetted and experienced educators to give you and your child confidence
Educators on Deenward are either recognized organizations in the Muslim community, or are individuals that are put through a careful and thorough process to make sure they deliver a safe, reliable and authentic learning experience for your children.

years of combined experience of premium educators
classes available
educator organizations & individuals
Different program delivery methods to suit your childrens learning styles
Browse classesVirtual classroom
Learn remotely so you never miss out on grand opportunities
In Person learning
Learn in a physical classroom environment with other students
Recorded courses
Learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home with recorded videos